LGA (WA) is a family owned and operated business based in Bunbury, which has been servicing the state of WA for over 25 years. We employ a team of over 20 including a very successful apprenticeship program. We deliver an in-house apprenticeship training program with the assistance of Registered Training Organisation - Progressive Training Pty Ltd, in which all assessments are completed at our factory with no requirement to attend TAFE. Our team of specialists has many years of combined experience, allowing us to offer the best in product knowledge and quality service.
If you are a qualified glazier, have industry experience, or think a career in the glass and glazing industry is for you, send your resume to
or call and make an appointment to speak to someone from the management team.
ABN 97 131 999 043
Security Agent License No. 36434
NSSA No. 184